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Labels: Caricature soccer Basque Osasuna duathlon sports run
Labels: Caricature soccer Basque Osasuna duathlon sports run
Labels: route master bus coach London UK Great Britain classic vehicle historic vehicle canvas painting
And the third one was did for "Almohadas Moshy-Textiles Inducam", a local based comany which made textile products and so. The main motives are the commercial manager of the firm, who´s driving a Vespa 75 "Sprint" scooter, running with the bulls at Pamplona-Iruña.
The building at the background is the town hall.
About these last 2, the one with Santa at wheel, was drawing for the website, and the other one for the vets of the Section de Reconnaissance et Observation, Régiment de Marche du Tchad, of the 2nd Free French Armored Division "Leclerc", which fought at ETO during WW2.